Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year Eve's Eve

It has been a dramatic month.
December. WOW.

People are so funny.
Do you realise that people often treat others the way that they hate others to treat them?
When it's supposed to be the exact opposite?

2012 is drawing near.
Everyone wants a new beginning, a new year and starts afresh.
Staying positive for the new year and all,
But it doesn't mean that everyone has a happy new year when they hope for one.
Some people just don't get their "happily-ever-after" wish granted.
I guess this is when you should tell yourself,
"Welcome to reality?"

Apart from all these negativity, there's always a silver lining somewhere out there.
I don't like being around negative "ions".
Random, but yeah.
But staying positive doesn't mean that you're entirely an optimistic person.
It could be you're just trying to avoid what they call life.
Well, I don't know.
Time to put on the thinking cap.

Heading back to Singapore tomorrow, which means hello no-sleeping-time.
There's a lot of catching-up to do.
Not looking forward to any bit of it.
Holidays have definitely put me back into my comfort zone.

Best of luck for the new year!
And always remember that there's always a reason behind everything.
God will bring you through it if He brings you to it.

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