I remembered, during secondary school,
Everyone was so excited to go back.
And I used to wonder why was our schooling hours so short,
And we weren't able to have more fun with our friends.
Our parents were always on time,
Waiting by the gate,
To come and pick us up.
And people took for granted all this while,
For all these tiny little details
That actually brightened up your day.
Have you ever wondered what is it like to walk back home alone,
In a city full of people yet everyone is a stranger to you?
Walking by the street, and you,
Trying to hold back your tears, gripping your fist,
Cause you know it's so embarrassing to fall apart in the middle of nowhere.
Have you thought about what is it like to be back at a house,
Nobody but the wall greets you?
And even if everything is well-furnished in the house,
You don't feel a tiny little bit of warmth.
And when was the last time you actually had your real smile on?
And when was the last time you actually had your real smile on?
Lectures, tutorials end earlier,
But you never look forward to go back.
Instead, even the slight thought of it tear you down.
All you see outside, through the window panel,
Is high-rise buildings, constructions going on,
And the sound of drilling and moving vehicles fill the supposedly silent air.
What's the use of all this high technology stuff?
Efficient transportation. Endless shopping.
The view of it is magnificent.
But never really the thing you fancy most.
"No life" is what best describes you.
And the biggest failure in your life,
Is really really your social life.
2 years have passed.
I guess I miss you a little. :)